As If Already Free

Anthropology and Activism After David Graeber

Edited by Holly High and Joshua O. Reno

David Graeber (1961–2020) was an American anthropologist and anarchist activist who left us with new ways to understand humankind. Graeber's writing resonates with both scholars and activists looking to shake things up.

The impact of his work is broad in scope, from birth to banking, and he picks open social hierarchy and political power to expose what really makes human society tick.

‘As If Already Free’ is a new collection of writing bringing together his insights into one book, showing how deeply his work continues to influence us today.

Graeber's writing resonates with both scholars and activists looking to shake things up. The impact of his work is broad in scope, from birth to banking, and he picks open social hierarchy and political power to expose what really makes human society tick.

We’ll be discussing the ideas in ‘As If Already Free’ as part of our monthly Radical Reading Room on 27 March 2024 at 6.30pm at Left Bank, Leeds. Be so great if you could make it.

Access a free copy of the book here 📖


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